900 11 21 21

L-J 9:00 - 19:00
V 9:00 - 15:00

ARCW – Health and safety procedures for curtain walls

Lifelong Learning Program - Leonardo da Vinci Project - Transfer of Innovation

Training Tools

Duration: From December 2013 to November 2015.

Total budget: 371.670€

Grant: 278.752€

Co-funding: 92.917€

Coordinator of the project: Polish Association of Building Managers

Partners: Fundación Laboral de la Construcción, Warsaw University of Technology,Technische Universität Darmstadt,Universitat de València and Elajko-Al.


The aim of the project was to decrease accident rate during construction of tall buildings, especially during curtain walls assembly. To achieve that goal, a manual that contain knowledge on curtain walls assembly technology, with particular emphasis on efficiency of work and health and safety regulations was prepared

Unique IT system will aid people responsible for curtain walls assembly. The system use modern Augmented Reality technology. This advanced technology facilitates implementation of proper organization of works and maintenance of safety while working at heights.

Project will satisfy the assumptions of European Directive 2001/45/EC and Directive 89/391/EEC.


The Project deala with Health & Safety during work at construction site. Modern IT technologies included in BIM system had been used to achieve the highest standards. Since accident rate of such works is alarmingly high, ensuring safety while working at heights is crucial. This project implemented proper quality and safety of works during assembly of curtain walls. It was achieved by modern training materials with the use of Augmented Reality (AR).

AR is the term to define a direct or indirect view of the psychical environment in the real world, which elements combine with virtual elements in order to create a mixed reality in real time. AR will enable precise conduction of activities preformed by workers in an efficient manner, ensuring the safety of work at the same time. During project we will organize trainings on the assembly of curtain walls. Special emphasis will be placed on the use of appropriate assembly technology and ensuring maximum safety during execution of elevation works. Results of the project will be used by SME, during training of employees, and by faculties of civil engineering and architecture.

During the project we worked in:
-Analyze different kinds of curtain walls and select the most appropriate ones to implement the training system based on AR.
-Identify basics skills related to curtain walls assembly.
-Develop the software to establish the training design based on AR and the necessary hardware for its implementation.
-Carry out a training pilot with curtain walls fitters in which the system will be tested and, on the basis of evaluation previously established, the improvement in the performance of the fitters will be assessed.

Consortium that was responsible for the project has a vast experience in the field of implementing European projects, including Leonardo da Vinci.

PABM is a member of AEEBC and therefore has unique opportunity to disseminate results of the project through 15 organisations, from across the Europe. Universities which are partners of the project will be using project’s outcomes to teach students. The project will help to increase responsibility and awareness.

Products of the project and all activities related to it will contribute to decreasing number of fatal accidents on construction sites caused by falling from a height . The European Directive 2001/45/EC, oblige to take appropriate measures to improve safety and health at work. Falls from height are the most common causes of serious accidents, often fatal, not only in Poland but throughout Europe. The implementation of the Directive is particularly important for facade works which will be main subject of the project.

Link to the official website: http://www.arcw.il.pw.edu.pl


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